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Are You Missing the Person Right In Front of You?

The Cost of Relating to Our Ideas What Do We Miss When We Relate to Our Idea About Something Instead of What is Truly There? I’m discovering the limits of theories and maps and mental distinctions. Very simply, when we hold a preconceived notion about something, we relate with our idea of it, rather than […]

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What is Authenticity? An Integral Look

What is Authenticity? An Integral Look Deconstructing Authentic Expression, Encouraging Purpose When people pursue “authenticity,” real transformation and healing occur. Yet I often disagree with what people mean by authenticity. I propose that we gain a more nuanced understanding of a word encompassing more supportive, loving interactions that are more in touch with reality. Why […]

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How to Become A Saint*

How to Become A Saint* Experiment: Exploring Your Own Inner Wisdom and Highest Potential How would your life be different if you saw it through the eyes of Nelson Mandela? If you saw other people’s suffering like Mother Teresa did? If you thought about politics like the Dalai Llama? We revere these people for a […]