All Psychology Spirituality

How Do I Maintain My Weekend High During The Week?

Dear Jordan: How Do I Maintain My Weekend High During The Week? Six Steps to Integration Dear Jordan, I just returned from a life-changing weekend workshop, but I am afraid that I won’t be able to keep this feeling. Especially with certain people. I know that work is hopeless but I at least want to […]

All Integral Spirituality

11 Reasons Why I Love “Circling”

A New Meditation Builds Awareness, Authenticity, and Aliveness There is a new meditation practice called “Circling.” It is amazing for many reasons. Here are eleven of them: It is the most powerful tool for personal transformation I have encountered in a decade… (but has no goal other than to be more present to what is). […]

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Zoom Out on Stress: Inner Peace and Right Action in Two Minutes

Get Wider and Wiser by Inhabiting A Cosmic Perspective If you are feeling stressed, you must think something is really important. Maybe it is your job on the line, or your life, or the life of loved one. I offer the following exercise to give you a sense of peace and let your incredibly important […]

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Why Everyone is Wrong: Connection is Not Why We’re Here

You Are Never Separate & Never Alone There is a whole movement happening in the world right now where people are striving to be more authentic with each other. All around the planet people are working on improving themselves themselves emotionally and relationally, sharing deep and painful things, empathizing with the highs and lows of […]

All Spirituality

Eight Simple Steps to Happiness

With Byron Katie’s The Work “In 1986 Katie was a mother of three, on her second marriage and had spent a decade falling into depression, agoraphobia, overeating and addiction to codeine and alcohol. They say she rarely left her bed and grew so paranoid that she sometimes slept with a loaded gun under her bed.” […]

All Integral Spirituality

“I Got 99 Problems and Enlightenment Aint One”

Ninety-Nine Sure Signs of Spiritual Bypassing “The idea of “spiritual bypass” is simple: It’s when we use our spiritual beliefs and experiences as a way to deny our deeper and more sincere life needs. These sincere needs may be around belonging, career, money, power, self-expression, or sexuality.” ~ Mark Forman What does spiritual bypass have […]

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Do You Ever Feel Like You Need a Quiet Space to Get Away from Stress?

Here’s How Space Will Keep You Stuck and Limit Your Spiritual Growth. A lot of people like to have a quiet place just to themselves when they meditate or pray. It feels like the only way to escape the stress of the day and the myriad distractions calling them away from peace. Fine, but if […]

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Is Your Work Ethic Holding Your Spirituality Back?

What to Do When the Pursuit of Spirituality Becomes an Obstacle to Spiritual Realization I was talking to a friend earlier today who said to me, “Jordan, you know I love all this Integral stuff and A Course in Miracles, but sometimes I feel like it’s always work. And I never get to relax. Sometimes I […]

All Spirituality

How Do We Get Rid of the Bad?

Why Acceptance is Required for Change In “Awareness is Love,” we discussed fully engaging the moment and loving what is. I mentioned that it was not a happiness strategy, but nevertheless a friend asked the question: How do we get rid of the bad if we accept it in ourselves? The Distinction Between Acceptance and Agreement In […]

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How to Succeed At Anything (No, Seriously)

Whatever You Do, Do it With Love “I’ve often said you could give a wonderful workshop just reading the phone book and if you read it with love and that love infuses every name you read; then you teach it.” – Ken Wapnick The secret to succeeding at anything is to do it with love. […]

All Spirituality

A Painful Equation: Awareness is Love

A Painful Equation: Awareness is Love A discussion of awareness, reality, and love “Awareness is love.” Someone said this to me the other day and it struck me on a guttural level. I am sure I had heard it before, but that day it really stuck with me. Awareness is love. I cannot really explain […]

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True Forgiveness: Correcting Misapplications of Forgiveness

If You’re Not Doing This, You’re Forgiving Wrong True Forgiveness: Correcting Misapplications of Forgiveness I find that forgiveness is often misunderstood. I often misapply it (but I’m forgiving myself for it). The First Mistake: Forgiveness Means Someone Else Screwed Up First, there is the common notion that forgiveness means pardoning someone for the wrong they […]